Best Nicaraguan Cigars
Explore the top-rated Nicaraguan cigars of 2023. Discover the unparalleled quality
and exquisite flavor profiles that make them the best choices for discerning cigar enthusiasts.
Adventure awaits with the best Nicaraguan cigars of 2023! Deeply textured tobaccos from Nicaragua’s
volcanic soil deliver an unrivaled thrill ride of body and taste. With this exclusive peek into the
Nicaraguan cigar world, we explore the land, climate, craftsmanship, and legacy that make Nicaraguan
cigars so captivating.
Discover the tobaccos behind Nicaraguan cigars’ renown, including classic expressions and buzz-worthy
modern takes. Join us on a grand tour of Nicaraguan tobacco and the hidden treasures central to every
Prisco Nicaraguan cigar’s lasting allure.
The Allure of Nicaraguan Cigars
The rise of Nicaraguan cigars is a direct result of the region’s rich soil and climate, ideally suited to
growing tobacco. While tobacco has been a staple of Nicaragua’s landscape since long before the arrival
of Europeans in the 16th Century, Nicaragua’s fame as a cigar producer is a fairly recent phenomenon.
Attempts to kickstart Nicaragua’s cigar industry began in earnest when a flood of cigar makers escaped
Cuba during the 1960s. Yet civil war, unending political machinations, hurricanes, and other outside
forces seemed to derail any hope for Nicaragua’s cigar industry to maintain stability.
Yet the late 1990s brought an explosion in the popularity of cigars and a thirst for new, more richly
entertaining cigars. What was needed was tobacco born of great soil and climate that could be placed in
the hands of master blenders and rollers. Nicaragua was tailor-made for the moment, and the stage was
set for Nicaraguan cigars to shine.
The Land
Slightly larger than Cuba in area, Nicaragua is at the heart of Central America between the Pacific and
the Caribbean. The country comprises a series of lush highlands and warm, fertile lowlands. While the
topography makes for a great place to cultivate tobacco, the secret to Nicaragua’s enriched soil is the
residue left behind by its many volcanoes.
Over time, ash and lava break down into nutrient-rich materials, boosting the soil’s growing capabilities.
With Nicaragua’s many active volcanoes, the soil is consistently primed and ready to deliver the
deliciously rich tobacco used for today’s best Nicaraguan cigars.
The Climate
The fertile volcanic soil finds an ideal partner in a climate with just the right balance of warmth and
moisture. The optimal conditions give tobacco growers a perfect platform to cultivate various tobacco
types, especially Cuban-seed varieties.
With well-defined wet and dry seasons and temperatures that rarely stray outside of 60 to 95 degrees
most of the year, Nicaragua’s climate provides similar conditions to those in Cuba. So, Nicaragua’s
environment offers a familiar canvas from which blending masters can apply their tobacco artistry.
The Tobacco
Nicaragua’s newfound prestige and the overwhelming success of today’s Nicaraguan cigar industry
directly result from the soil, climate, and tobacco’s unique character. Nicaragua has four distinctive
tobacco-growing regions home to the savory tobacco leaves found in today’s best Nicaraguan cigar
brands: Esteli, Condega, Jalapa, and Ometepe.
The Esteli and Condega regions are in the heart of Nicaragua and offer a tremendously diverse range of
tobaccos for all levels of body and taste. Jalapa is to the North near the Honduran border in a drier
region famous for luxurious wrapper leaves. Finally, Ometepe is an island in Lake Nicaragua that is home
to not one but two volcanoes where the soil imparts tobaccos with a rich and sweet character favored
by modern aficionados.
Exploring The Best Nicaraguan Cigars of 2023
With an impressive balance between climate, soil, and tobacco quality, it is no wonder Nicaraguan cigars
have developed worldwide acclaim. The best way to discover all the treasures hidden within Nicaraguan
tobacco is with the exceptional character found in Prisco’s best Nicaraguan cigars of 2023.
Prisco Nicaraguan Connecticut
Available in various shapes and sizes, Prisco Nicaraguan Connecticut cigars are superbly smooth and
mellow, perfect for those quieter moments or as the first smoke of the day. The 6″ x 52 Toro Box
Pressed Connecticut is a favorite, featuring a lush mixture of Nicaraguan tobaccos and an elegant
Ecuadorian-grown Connecticut wrapper. The refined smoke is smooth and creamy, with pepper, cedar,
and leather notes mingling over the palate.
Prisco Nicaraguan Habano
The Prisco Nicaraguan Habano series is a popular choice for everyday cigar aficionados looking for a bold
yet perfectly balanced Nicaraguan-heavy blend. Wrapped in a Habano leaf grown in Ecuador, the
medium-to-full flavored 5″ x 50 Robusto Habano has everything from its bold yet refined character to its
rich earth, cedar, and spice flavors with an underlying sweetness. A great option for any time of day and
one of 2023’s best.
Prisco Nicaraguan Maduro
Prisco’s Nicaraguan portfolio wouldn’t be complete without a savory Maduro option, and the Prisco
Nicaraguan Maduro blend exceeds all expectations. The 4 1/2″ × 48 Petite Maduro is a scrumptious full-
flavored smoke artfully constructed using Nicaraguan binder and filler leaves underneath a Mexican San
Andres Maduro wrapper. The smoke is plush and lively, with dark chocolate and spice notes riding on
waves of earthy goodness.
Prisco Nicaraguan Candela
Candela wrappers are rare these days, with only the most accomplished tobacco blenders able to
discover the ideal blend to pair with the unique, green-colored leaf. The Prisco Nicaraguan 6″ x 60 Gordo
Candela as an alluring emerald wrapper finds harmony with a velvety blend of Nicaraguan tobacco. The
smooth and mellow smoke tickles the palate with spice and floral notes streaming through the large
diameter with ease.
Prisco Nicaraguan Double & Triple Wrappers
Prisco’s cigar makers are noted for their artistry and passion, and nowhere is this on better display than
with the Prisco Nicaraguan Double and Triple Wrapper lines. These eye-catching smokes are masterfully
assembled using two or three contrasting wrapper leaves. The Bullet, a Double Wrapper 6 1/2″ x 60
Torpedo-shaped cigar with Ecuadorian Connecticut and Mexican San Andres wrappers, is an intriguing
mix of flavor and complexity. The Triple Wrapper 5″ x 58 Salomoncito Dart Figurado is the epitome of
cigar as art with its tri-color wrapper of Candela, Ecuadorian Connecticut, and Mexican San Andres
leaves serving to deliver a voluptuous, full-flavored character.
Unparalleled Craftsmanship
While Nicaragua was once deemed a rustic tobacco frontier with squandered potential, it is now rightly
considered a cigar-making powerhouse. Today the world’s top cigar companies race to build new
facilities in Nicaragua. Even non-Nicaraguan brands, including Davidoff, Punch, Romeo y Julieta, and
others, are looking to Nicaragua to create new takes on old favorites.
Nicaragua has truly carved out a place as a home to some of the best tobaccos and premium cigars in
the world. It could only have earned this reputation through the artistry and precision of Nicaragua’s top
cigar makers. The Prisco team is proud to be part of Nicaragua’s evolution into a leading supplier of
Nicaraguan cigars to customers around the world.
Timeless Classics and Rising Stars
No other cigar making country better combines Cuban cigar making traditions with a fresh flair for
innovation. Nowhere is this better represented than Prisco Cigar’s diverse range of artfully crafted
Nicaraguan classics for the modern cigar enthusiast.
The path for Prisco and others to thrive was laid out at the dawn of the 1970s with the first Nicaraguan
cigar brand to garner international attention, Joya de Nicaragua. The brand initially gained fame for its
classic elegance, yet over the years, it evolved into a hub for boldly structured, top-selling premium
Joya de Nicaragua blazed a path, clearing the way for other brands to impact Nicaraguan cigars’
international reputation for richness and quality. With Prisco and other premium brands taking up the
challenge, Nicaragua’s shining stars continue to gain high praise from critics and cigar lovers alike,
further adding to the Nicaraguan cigar industry’s ever-growing allure and prestige.
Embark on a Nicaraguan Adventure
Nicaraguan cigars are imbued with the pride and passion of the Nicaraguan people, known as the Nica
spirit. This undying can-do attitude combined with optimal growing conditions and exceptional
craftsmanship has proven once and for all Nicaraguan cigars belong among the world’s best.
Prisco Cigars is dedicated to providing you with the absolute best Nicaraguan cigars. Continue exploring
the best Nicaraguan cigars of 2023 with us, and you will discover unexpected joys at every turn. So, be a
part of Nicaragua’s cigar evolution. Escape the ordinary and discover the extraordinary with Nicaragua’s
finest at Prisco Cigars.
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